Friday 8 July 2016

The Love Of My Life

I love the way you look at me,
Almost peeping, escaping other’s eyes.
I love the way you touch me,
It passes a current and tells me, you are mine.
The first time you looked at me,
It was connecting and magical.
The way it catches your eyes,
& make you someone else’s .
The world went upside down,
& my heart skipped a beat.
& I knew then and there,

That we were meant to be!

Sunday 3 July 2016

A Healthy Crunch

Avoid doctor visits by diving into the natural way.

Keep smiling because you dont need to go to the doctor often now. :)

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Lose Weight Easily

Weight has become an issue these days for many. It has also led to various diseases at an earlier age. So here are some quick hacks to loose weight fast with minor lifestyle changes:

Keep Smiling, because now you can shed some kilos easily. :)

Excel Shortcuts

For all the MS- Excel novices, here are some shortcuts to make your life easy:

Keep Smiling, because now you're equipped better. :)

Monday 20 June 2016

The Natural Way

The Natural Way:

The more we’re advancing, the more are things becoming artificial, diseases becoming common and side effects, major. So there are some handy remedies to aid and equip you to face life a bit better.

Keep Smiling, because now you can feel better. :)

The VERY Vocabulary

The VERY Vocabulary:

We, in our daily lives, use so many VERYs to describe an extreme situation, or to narrate an incident dramatically. To discard the old school ways, there are some words, so that we don’t end up using an absurd number of ‘verys’ in our communication.

Keep Smiling, because now you know better.! :)